Thursday, July 15, 2021


Module 3 will be into 18 subsection following the system in part 66 under EASA. The topics will as follows:

1. Electron Theory
2. Static Electricity and Conduction
3. Electrical Terminology
4. Generation of Electricity
5. DC sources of electricity
6. DC Circuits
7. Resistance and Resistor
8. Power
9. Capacitance and capacitor
10. Magnetism
11. Inductance and Inductor
12. DC Motor/ Generator Theory
13. AC Theory
14. RCL Circuits
15. Transformers
16. Filters
17. AC Generators
18. AC Motors

Friday, June 11, 2021

My Learning - Determistic Data Com Ethernet

As I am consolidating my blogs, I am transferring a posting from my aviation learning blog   

This is about my path to learn a new technology

I am learning about data communication in the modern aircraft. It is using ethernet technology, modified to meet the aviation requirements of on-time performance.

My learning will be based on internet research starting with video..

 The latest airliner like A380 is using ethernet technology for its communication. Many of us are aware of the shortcoming of the COTS (commercially off the shield technologies) and its unsuitability to manage the data communication in an aircraft. Some of the issues are, the ethernet respond time is beyond the acceptability limit and technology is designed on the best efforts. That mean if component A send the data to actuator B, the system tries its best to send the data, if it is not received, A will send te second time.

Sunday, June 6, 2021


 When I was actively teaching, I have different blogs for different modules. Now I need to transfer these posting to one blog only,  the virtual part 66 school.


1. Convert the posting in the out going blogs to Draft 

2. Transfer the contents to Virtual Part 66 school and publish it.

3. Transfer the assets to Virtual part 66 school.

4. Delete post by post in the outgoing blogs.

5. delete the blogs.

Post Title: My Class - Basic Electric 29 Jan 2013
From my earlier Blog:  My Part 66 class/ This blog is deactivated
Transfer to : My Current Blog - Part 66 Virtual School
I was doing the class for Basic Electric to 14 students.
 I am sharing the photos...

In learning theory, different students have different preferred learning style.

There are a number of theory about learning style. Samples of the theory are..

a.  Neil Fleming's VAK/VARK model where a student may have his own learning preference such as, visual learning, auditory or experiential learner.

The learning is most effective in the experiential learning, as such the students work or group work is given.



Tuesday, June 1, 2021


 As I am already retired, I will be consolidating and reduce the number of blogs.

I will maintain this blog,

The following blogs, their contents will be moved and later to be deleted.

1. Blogs of Part 66 modules...3,4,5,7 and 11A will be deleted. (5Blogs)

2. Virtual AME School will be deleted.