Tuesday, August 6, 2013


This is an old film, however it is good reference to understand the operation of a mechanical gyro.
Watch The Video..

Learn about the various parts of the Turn and Slip indicator. You must be familiar with, the faces of the indicator and its internal parts.

The face: pointer, turn rate scale, off flag and slip indicator.
The internal parts: The gyro, stator and rotor, the OFF flag arm/linkage and gimbal.

Take note of the axis of the indicator, corresponding to the axis of the aircraft. The gyro is turning on the lateral axis.
- If you roll the aircraft on the longitudinal axis, or pitch the aitcraft, up or down, the effect of the turn indicator.

- If the gyro turn on the vertical axis corresponding to aircraft turning left or right, the indicator will respond giving the rate of turn.

Understanding Why,
For the purpose of the examination you need to be able to explain the happenings. There are two basic properties that you need to know: Rigidity and Precession.

The property of precession explains why the gyro banks when it moves on its vertical axis. The movement on the vertical axis is transmitted through the axis of the gyro which is equivalent to a force applied at the rim of the rotating gyro mass. The force is shifted by 90 degrees in the direction of rotation.

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