Monday, August 12, 2013

Understanding Basic Gyro

 This is rather an old video explaining the function of the gyros in the aircraft instrument. It was produced by US navy and designed for learning.

There were three basic instruments that use the gyros:
- turn and bank indicator
- attitude indicator
- direction compass.

A: Principles of Gyro
a. Construction - A rotating mass mounted on one or two gimbals

b. Properties - There are 2 basic properties used in the application of the gyros.
- precession - it is the way the gyro responds to external force.
- rigidity in space - the rotating mass of the gyro will tend to maintain its axis in space. For the aircraft application, the navigation is in relation to the earth space, as such the axis of the gyro has to be adjusted to be aligned in relation to the earth space.

B. Applications
a. Turn and Bank Indication - It measure the rate of turn of the aircraft. The gyro is mounted on a lateral axis on single gimbal. Watch up for the explanation of precession.

b. Attitude Indicator -

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