Sunday, August 5, 2012

Module 3 Basic Electric Part 1 of 2



Ohm's law is the basic for studying the effect of current and voltage. Given the resistance and temperature remaining constant, the value of current is proportional to the voltage.

I = V/R  and  V= IR

In an aircraft, the circuit does not operate independently. It can be connected to the earth.
The following are the method to be used in handling the issue of the potential different with respect to the earth.

1. Find the total resistance. It is given by the formula, Rt = R1+ R2 +R3
2. Find the current flowing in the circuit, I = V/Rt
3. With the current known, the voltage drop for each resistor can be calculate.
4. If the earth point is identified as above, the potential at each point with respect to the earth can be easily identified.


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